moisture ants damage from a nest

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How to Get Rid of Moisture Ants in Seattle: Professional Moisture ant Control

Moisture ants are comprised of multiple species of yellow ants and cornfield ants. These ants, like all ants, are truly social insects that are altruistic; they sacrifice their own reproductive capabilities for the functioning of the colony. They have a cast system that works amazingly unified, just like bees and termites. Worker ants forage for sweet sugars and protein and are often found tending aphids for their honeydew. Workers bring back food for the developing larvae, other casts and the queen. Moisture ants are monomorphic meaning that all the casts look similar.

The Moisture ant is commonly found in the Pacific Northwest but is found throughout the north and Midwest U.S. as well. As its name implies, it prefers to nest in moist places so it can have a wide range of habitats.

moisture ants nest readily outdoors and indoors where moisture is concentrated. Colonies contain a single reproductive queen ant. Commonly in rotted or fallen trees and other lumber, but also in rotted or moist wood of homes. The Moisture ant has even been known to build nests around leaky pipes. When looking for a Moisture ant nest, look anywhere that is susceptible to excess moisture: near gutters, leaky plumbing, windowsills, and drains. Outside look near places that come in contact with moist soil: porch steps, support beams, and low siding. Other signs of a Moisture ant nests include trails, tunnels, and sawdust. This ant will often carry debris and soil to its nesting site to construct a carton nest: a nest that resembles a dirt clod that is often fastened around a water pipe, onto a wooden sill plate, or in a rotting wall stud. Moisture ants are monomorphic, meaning all workers are the same size.

DIY and Green Solutions for Moisture ant Control

Check periodically for wet, decaying wood or wet
soil under the house. Correct problems which are
creating a damp place for the ants to live (leaking
gutters, plumbing, improperly caulked windows,
etc.). Do not allow wood members to come into
contact with soil. These ants frequently inhabit
form lumber the contractor buried in the soil next
to the foundation. Remove this wood. Replace
any badly damaged wood. Remember, long-term
control requires eliminating the moisture problem
and wet rotting wood.

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